Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Today we didn't have anything planned but a lunch time playdate with Annie and her Mom.  We met up at chick-fil-a and let the girls play and had lunch.  It was fun seeing them together cute!  Annie has been home from China for just 4 months and she is doing amazing, she is the sweetest girl!  After lunch we made a quick trip to the store and then went to pick Doug up from work for the day.  He is still pretty sore, so he got a ride to work and left a little early.

When we got home I worked non-stop in the kitchen until about 6pm.  I had to make something for Ana Kate's school party and my bible study dinner.   By the time I got Ana Kate to bed and cleaned up a little I was exhausted.  But....I still have to do my bible study lessons before tomorrow!  I have felt so behind this week and just haven't had enough time to get everything done.

The only pictures I took were of Ana Kate and Annie today.  They really didn't want to cooperate with me....but I did manage to get a few.