Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today was another day at home....I really have to get out of the house tomorrow!  We didn't even go outside for pictures today because it was chilly outside and Ana Kate is just starting to feel better.  We also skipped church because Ana Kate did not nap and was SO crabby...and I want to make sure that she's healthy before I have her around other kids.  She should be ok to go back to school Monday.  She got a card in the mail today from her teachers and class saying they missed her on was super cute.  Ana Kate loved fact she fell asleep tonight holding it.

Whitney came over today and watched a movie with Ana Kate and picked up my old Christmas tree and some ornaments.  I think I might go help her decorate on Monday.  Doug worked on projects around the house all day....he was very productive and I was not productive at all.   I really need to clean out the pantry and refrigerator, so that might be my project for well as some grocery shopping.

We did indoor pictures....again, but Ana Kate did actually pose for me tonight.