Saturday, March 20, 2010


It's SO cold here!  We went from 70+ degrees yesterday to snow today!!  Isn't this the first day of Spring?!  I am SO ready to have the warm temperature here to stay.  Hopefully this will be the last snowfall of the year.

We were pretty lazy today....besides our long night at church we didn't do anything important, but that's ok because it's really nice to relax on Saturdays.  Speaking of church we only had 6 kids in our toddler class tonight and everyone did great...we had lots of fun!

Photos were taken really late and inside, so I had to use some flash...definitely not my favorites, but Ana Kate was really into making her faces tonight.  I had to include her 'mean' face which is hilarious!

Attempting a pose for Mommy.

The 'mean' face...

Being silly....


Michelle said...

I LOVE the first one - good job!