Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Not much going on here today.  Ana Kate slept in pretty late this morning and I finally had to wake her up.  I had thought about going shopping, but with such a late start I decided to just spend the day at home instead.  After lunch I got out her finger paints and that kept her busy for a couple of hours...she loved it!  We really had a laid back day and didn't get out of the house at all.  Since Ana Kate slept so late, I didn't even attempt to give her a nap.  A little after 6pm she wanted to watch a movie, so I turned it on decided to read a book while she watched it.  After about 10 minutes I noticed that she was very still and quiet....so I got up so I could see her face and she was sound asleep!  She slept until about 8 and then when I attempted to get more photos she wasn't into it.....so I didn't get anything good today.
