Monday, December 13, 2010


We stayed home all day today.  We didn't even venture outside because it was so cold and Ana Kate had a bit of a runny nose and cough.  I had planned to take her pictures after dinner, but  no nap day made for a cranky girl tonight.  So yet another picture of her sleeping.

I started knitting another hat for Ana Kate and this one is super cute and very I'm anxious to get it finished.  I also got a photo book in the mail from a friend of mine.  I took photos of her girls a few months ago, so she made a creative memories book with pictures of Ana Kate for me as a thank you.  It is beautiful!  I love it!  I had planned to try and compile some of the pictures from my 365 project and she basically did it for me....thanks Melissa!

Hoping to get my Christmas shopping done this week as well as some cleaning/re-organizing.