Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ana Kate had a rough night last night.  She cried several times and ended up in our bed eventually.  She finally settled down early this morning and then slept in until almost 10, when I finally decided to wake her up!  So...she did not have a nap today and is still going strong.  I'm hoping she'll crash soon and sleep much better tonight.

This afternoon we went to Amanda's salon to get Ana Kate's first official haircut!  She was really upset at first, I think she was worried she was getting an x-ray or something when Amanda got out the cape (she recently had a chest x-ray and it terrified her).  So we left the cape off and gave her a sucker.  She started off on my lap and watched Amanda cut a few snips of her own bangs for demonstration purposes.  That seemed to work because she did great after that.  She even sat on the chair by herself to get the back trimmed.  I can tell a big difference now that all the scraggly pieces are gone, but the length is still pretty much the same.  Thank you Amanda!!  I so appreciate your time and how much you love Ana Kate!  I also wanted to mention that Amanda has started posting hair tutorial videos on her blog and they are great!  You should definitely check them out.

Not much else going on today.  We spent some time outside playing and taking pictures, but didn't stay out long because it was damp and chilly.

This is what often happens when she doesn't take a she was tired of pictures.


Nicki said...

What a cutie.. (: glad all is mostly well..
Love the pictures of her getting her haircutt!