Monday, April 12, 2010


This morning we got up and packed up the car.  We went by to see my Aunt Sharlette and my cousin Taryn before leaving town.  Ana Kate was such a good girl for the trip.  She watched a DVD then went to sleep and didn't wake up until right before we got home.  It was such an easy trip this time....I'm SO proud of my girl!  We went to the store with Daddy when we got home and then got pizza for dinner.  Not much else going on besides relaxing.

I took a few pictures outside after's been a beautiful day today.

She wanted to wear her hair in a bun today...I thought it looked cute!

She was telling Daddy something very important...


Amanda said...

I love how Ana Kate is telling Doug a story and his look on his face is "Uhhhh". I am sure she is such a little talk these days! Maybe we can shoot for next Thursday to get together. Let me know!